The proposal seeks to provide up to 16,700 sq m GEA of Class B2/B8 space, with associated parking, servicing, yard, landscaping and engineering works.
The footprint measures approximately 165m long x 96.4m wide and circa 23.5m to ridge. The scale and proportion of the building has been designed to accommodate the building owners needs and expanding employment benefits. The internal height is based upon fulfilling the client’s needs for a unit of this size, 18m clear to haunch.
The proposed development has been designed to respond to the surrounding context, scale and massing of the existing buildings; furthermore, the wider landscape and setting. The ridge height of the proposed development is circa 31.000m AOD. The expected plateau levels are 7.500m AOD, as the existing levels dictate.
The layout of the site is arranged with the active office frontages addressing the inbound service roads, directly off the primary estate road, Tenth Avenue, with car parking and landscaping located in between. The location of the dual access points, serving the parking area and service yards from the primary estate road, also contributing to the layout of the plot.
The on-plot landscaping, provides relief from the industrial nature of the site.
The proposal has been developed to respond positively to the local character. Structure will be created through the creative use of native tree and shrub species, and hedge planting in natural plant associations whilst promoting biodiversity through the introduction of a variety of locally occurring habitats.
This approach provides a comprehensive landscape the main objectives of which are:
- • Create a rich matrix of habitat types in the undeveloped areas of the site;
- • Create a network of interconnected habitats; and
- • Connect the development with the surrounding landscape.
Pedestrian and cycle access into the site are from the existing Tenth Avenue via the 2m wide footway which forms part of the estate road infrastructure. This connects to the development site via a pedestrian crossing between the service yard entrance and car park entrance, adjacent to the main office entrance, where internal pathways and crossings will allow pedestrians to gain access to the distribution centre and associated offices and cycles to access the covered cycle shelters.
The proposal seeks to provide up to 16,700 sq m GEA of Class B2/B8 space, with associated parking, servicing, yard, landscaping and engineering works.
The footprint measures approximately 165m long x 96.4m wide and circa 23.5m to ridge. The scale and proportion of the building has been designed to accommodate the building owners needs and expanding employment benefits. The internal height is based upon fulfilling the client’s needs for a unit of this size, 18m clear to haunch.
The proposed development has been designed to respond to the surrounding context, scale and massing of the existing buildings; furthermore, the wider landscape and setting. The ridge height of the proposed development is circa 31.000m AOD. The expected plateau levels are 7.500m AOD, as the existing levels dictate.
The layout of the site is arranged with the active office frontages addressing the inbound service roads, directly off the primary estate road, Tenth Avenue, with car parking and landscaping located in between. The location of the dual access points, serving the parking area and service yards from the primary estate road, also contributing to the layout of the plot.
The on-plot landscaping, provides relief from the industrial nature of the site.
The proposal has been developed to respond positively to the local character. Structure will be created through the creative use of native tree and shrub species, and hedge planting in natural plant associations whilst promoting biodiversity through the introduction of a variety of locally occurring habitats.
This approach provides a comprehensive landscape the main objectives of which are:
- • Create a rich matrix of habitat types in the undeveloped areas of the site;
- • Create a network of interconnected habitats; and
- • Connect the development with the surrounding landscape.
Pedestrian and cycle access into the site are from the existing Tenth Avenue via the 2m wide footway which forms part of the estate road infrastructure. This connects to the development site via a pedestrian crossing between the service yard entrance and car park entrance, adjacent to the main office entrance, where internal pathways and crossings will allow pedestrians to gain access to the distribution centre and associated offices and cycles to access the covered cycle shelters.
The proposal seeks to part demolish and convert the existing Ty Menyn (formerly Ty Gwalia) building, together with the addition of two new floors, to provide commercial uses at ground floor and 44 residential apartments above, with a new atrium, landscaping and other associated works.
The existing building has ben vacant since 2020 and was scheduled for demolition. Coastal Housing has acquired the building and wishes to retain the main building and convert it to provide much needed affordable homes.
Proposed solar farm on land north of Marsh Road, Burnham on Crouch
The proposal covers 40 hectares of lower quality agricultural land to the east of Burnham on Crouch, north of Marsh Road.
It is proposed to create a solar farm which will generate the equivalent amount of electricity used by 6,600 homes in a year. Alongside the solar farm, a battery energy storage system (BESS) will provide capacity to store up to 42 MWh of electricity so it can be fed into the grid when it is needed, not just when it is generated.
Meadow grassland and solar arrays will cover 31 hectares of the site and the BESS and substation will cover 0.6 hectares. The balance of the site (8.8 hectares) will be used to establish tussocky grassland and woodland and scrub habitats and hedgerows will be enhanced to species rich native hedgerow. Once constructed the site will be managed in a way to maximise the benefits to plants and wildlife meaning our proposal will deliver a considerable biodiversity gain. The scheme will also assist Maldon District in delivering on its ‘Show Nature We Care’ pledge and help towards it pledge to deliver climate resilience.
Planning permission will be sought for a period of 40 years, after which the site will be reinstated to its current agricultural use.
Please click on the "View the draft application" tab to see the draft presentation boards, scheme plans and other relevant information.
Proposed solar farm on land north of Marsh Road, Burnham on Crouch
The proposal covers 40 hectares of lower quality agricultural land to the east of Burnham on Crouch, north of Marsh Road.
It is proposed to create a solar farm which will generate the equivalent amount of electricity used by 6,600 homes in a year. Alongside the solar farm, a battery energy storage system (BESS) will provide capacity to store up to 42 MWh of electricity so it can be fed into the grid when it is needed, not just when it is generated.
Meadow grassland and solar arrays will cover 31 hectares of the site and the BESS and substation will cover 0.6 hectares. The balance of the site (8.8 hectares) will be used to establish tussocky grassland and woodland and scrub habitats and hedgerows will be enhanced to species rich native hedgerow. Once constructed the site will be managed in a way to maximise the benefits to plants and wildlife meaning our proposal will deliver a considerable biodiversity gain. The scheme will also assist Maldon District in delivering on its ‘Show Nature We Care’ pledge and help towards it pledge to deliver climate resilience.
Planning permission will be sought for a period of 40 years, after which the site will be reinstated to its current agricultural use.
Please click on the "View the draft application" tab to see the draft presentation boards, scheme plans and other relevant information.
The proposal seeks to provide up to 16,700 sq m GEA of Class B2/B8 space, with associated parking, servicing, yard, landscaping and engineering works.
The footprint measures approximately 165m long x 96.4m wide and circa 23.5m to ridge. The scale and proportion of the building has been designed to accommodate the building owners needs and expanding employment benefits. The internal height is based upon fulfilling the client’s needs for a unit of this size, 18m clear to haunch.
The proposed development has been designed to respond to the surrounding context, scale and massing of the existing buildings; furthermore, the wider landscape and setting. The ridge height of the proposed development is circa 31.000m AOD. The expected plateau levels are 7.500m AOD, as the existing levels dictate.
The layout of the site is arranged with the active office frontages addressing the inbound service roads, directly off the primary estate road, Tenth Avenue, with car parking and landscaping located in between. The location of the dual access points, serving the parking area and service yards from the primary estate road, also contributing to the layout of the plot.
The on-plot landscaping, provides relief from the industrial nature of the site.
The proposal has been developed to respond positively to the local character. Structure will be created through the creative use of native tree and shrub species, and hedge planting in natural plant associations whilst promoting biodiversity through the introduction of a variety of locally occurring habitats.
This approach provides a comprehensive landscape the main objectives of which are:
- • Create a rich matrix of habitat types in the undeveloped areas of the site;
- • Create a network of interconnected habitats; and
- • Connect the development with the surrounding landscape.
Pedestrian and cycle access into the site are from the existing Tenth Avenue via the 2m wide footway which forms part of the estate road infrastructure. This connects to the development site via a pedestrian crossing between the service yard entrance and car park entrance, adjacent to the main office entrance, where internal pathways and crossings will allow pedestrians to gain access to the distribution centre and associated offices and cycles to access the covered cycle shelters.
The proposal seeks to provide up to 16,700 sq m GEA of Class B2/B8 space, with associated parking, servicing, yard, landscaping and engineering works.
The footprint measures approximately 165m long x 96.4m wide and circa 23.5m to ridge. The scale and proportion of the building has been designed to accommodate the building owners needs and expanding employment benefits. The internal height is based upon fulfilling the client’s needs for a unit of this size, 18m clear to haunch.
The proposed development has been designed to respond to the surrounding context, scale and massing of the existing buildings; furthermore, the wider landscape and setting. The ridge height of the proposed development is circa 31.000m AOD. The expected plateau levels are 7.500m AOD, as the existing levels dictate.
The layout of the site is arranged with the active office frontages addressing the inbound service roads, directly off the primary estate road, Tenth Avenue, with car parking and landscaping located in between. The location of the dual access points, serving the parking area and service yards from the primary estate road, also contributing to the layout of the plot.
The on-plot landscaping, provides relief from the industrial nature of the site.
The proposal has been developed to respond positively to the local character. Structure will be created through the creative use of native tree and shrub species, and hedge planting in natural plant associations whilst promoting biodiversity through the introduction of a variety of locally occurring habitats.
This approach provides a comprehensive landscape the main objectives of which are:
- • Create a rich matrix of habitat types in the undeveloped areas of the site;
- • Create a network of interconnected habitats; and
- • Connect the development with the surrounding landscape.
Pedestrian and cycle access into the site are from the existing Tenth Avenue via the 2m wide footway which forms part of the estate road infrastructure. This connects to the development site via a pedestrian crossing between the service yard entrance and car park entrance, adjacent to the main office entrance, where internal pathways and crossings will allow pedestrians to gain access to the distribution centre and associated offices and cycles to access the covered cycle shelters.
Proposed solar farm at Marshes Farm.
The planning application covers 43.7 hectares (108 acres) of low grade (Grade 3b) arable land to the east of Burnham on Crouch, north of Marsh Road.
It is proposed to create a solar farm with an export capacity of 17MW of electricity per annum, which is the equivalent to the energy used by 3,800 homes.
Alongside the solar farm, a battery facility will provide capacity to store 20 MWh of electricity that can be fed into the grid when it is needed.
The solar farm and battery energy storage system will cover 32.6 hectares (~80 acres) of the application site, with the remaining ~11 hectares retained as grassland and arable land.
New grassland habitat will be created under and around the arrays and managed to benefit wildlife. Scrub and mixed woodland will be planted, and hedgerows will be enhanced to species rich native hedgerow, delivering a net biodiversity gain.
Planning permission is sought for a period of 40 years, after which the site will be restored to its current arable use.
The proposal seeks consent for the storage of raw materials, construction and operation of a mill to produce 'green' cement from recycled, non-hazardous, waste materials, storage of the product and onward distribution..
The 4.7 hectare site is situated at the South Docks of Newport at the site of the former coal stocking yard off East Way Road.
The proposal seeks part full, part outline consent for the severable phased erection of units for use within classes B1 or B2 or B8 (including trade counter) and ancillary uses.
The site is situated opposite Ensinger Uk Ltd (North) along Wilfred Way, to the South of Hendreforgan and to the west of the Pobl / Morganstone housing development at Parc Erin. It is about 10km to the north of the M4, with access from the M4 via Junction 34 along the A4119. Access to the site is via the A4093 to the North and East of the site.
The Land within the plot is relatively flat with a mixture of young and mature trees along the Northern plot boundary.
Phase 1 will comprise the area for which full consent is sought for class B1(c) and/or B2 and/or B8 use unit to plot 1 (including Trade counters) and ancillary uses, with full site layout, boundary treatment, landscaping, unit scale and access associated to the site.
Phases 2-4 will be in outline and will replicate the uses and general configuration of Phase 1. These phases will be released in response to market conditions.
The development plots will be set within a landscaped environment that includes pockets of marshy/water retaining ground features & the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs, on a peat sub base alternative (peat characteristics to re-instate lost sub-base from the historic stripping and plateau forming). This will meet SUDS and biodiversity requirements.
The proposal seeks part full, part outline consent for the severable phased erection of units for use within classes B1 or B2 or B8 (including trade counter) and ancillary uses.
The site is situated opposite Ensinger Uk Ltd (North) along Wilfred Way, to the South of Hendreforgan and to the west of the Pobl / Morganstone housing development at Parc Erin. It is 2km to the North of the M4, with access from the M4 via Junction 34 along the A4119. Access to the site is via the A4093 to the North and East of the site.
The Land within the plot is relatively flat with a mixture of young and mature trees along the Northern plot boundary.
Phase 1 will comprise the area for which full consent is sought for class B1(c) and/or B2 and/or B8 use unit to plot 1 (including Trade counters) and ancillary uses, with full site layout, boundary treatment, landscaping, unit scale and access associated to the site.
Phases 2-4 will be in outline and will replicate the uses and general configuration of Phase 1. These phases will be released in response to market conditions.
The development plots will be set within a landscaped environment that includes pockets of marshy/water retaining ground features & the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs, on a peat sub base alternative (peat characteristics to re-instate lost sub-base from the historic stripping and plateau forming). This will meet SUDS and biodiversity requirements.
The proposal seeks part full, part outline consent for the severable phased erection of units for use within classes B1 or B2 or B8 (including trade counter) and ancillary uses.
The site is situated opposite Ensinger Uk Ltd (North) along Wilfred Way, to the South of Hendreforgan and to the west of the Pobl / Morganstone housing development at Parc Erin. It is 2km to the North of the M4, with access from the M4 via Junction 34 along the A4119. Access to the site is via the A4093 to the North and East of the site.
The Land within the plot is relatively flat with a mixture of young and mature trees along the Northern plot boundary.
Phase 1 will comprise the area for which full consent is sought for class B1(c) and/or B2 and/or B8 use unit to plot 1 (including Trade counters) and ancillary uses, with full site layout, boundary treatment, landscaping, unit scale and access associated to the site.
Phases 2-4 will be in outline and will replicate the uses and general configuration of Phase 1. These phases will be released in response to market conditions.
The development plots will be set within a landscaped environment that includes pockets of marshy/water retaining ground features & the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs, on a peat sub base alternative (peat characteristics to re-instate lost sub-base from the historic stripping and plateau forming). This will meet SUDS and biodiversity requirements.
The proposal seeks to develop new 24 residential dwellings accessed from Marlas Road
The site is located on the north-western edge of Pyle, immediately south of the minor Marlas Road.
The farmhouse and surrounding land are of historic interest. Listed by CADW as a Grade ii site the farmhouse stands on the south bank of the Afon Cynffig, close to the railway bridge and the road from North Cornelly to Kenfig, which runs alongside the N side of the N wing. The listing shows Marlas Farm, early C17, which is a significant series of connected structures and listed as a Grade II designation.
The proposed site is accessed from the unnamed road that lies to the north of the site and currently provides access to the barns, yard and paddock area. Piers would sit either side of the entrance and the one demolished/damaged pier would be replaced at the appropriate width. The quality and design of road surfacing treatment at the entrance is proposed as rough stone setts to reflect and complement the historic asset of the two barns that face west onto the site entrance. These stone setts would also act as traffic calming measures. The road would be set well off the front curtilage of the barn to ensure enclosed semi-public space and room for parking.
The tarmacadam spine road and footway sweeps to a central paved courtyard area and the design concept for the scheme promotes discreet and bespoke dwellings (24) in 7 courtyards and blocks, the concept design of which leads from the historical analysis of the development of Marlas Farmhouse and surrounding outbuildings.
The site proposal contains an active travel route located at the south east corner of the site and passing to the south of the farmhouse and adjoining house which would join with Marlas Road close to the light-controlled junction A pedestrian/cycle crossing across Marlas Road is also proposed to provide connections to the wider footway/footpath network. This metalled route would also serve as a maintenance zone for the underlying drainage apparatus that would serve the site.
The varied vernacular inspired courtyards would create visual interest and variety and would complement the historic development of Marlas Farm. The dwellings are accessed off the spine road and courtyard by private drives with appropriate semi public and private boundary enclosures such as hedging, stone walling and wooden fencing. A landscaping plan supports the site layout and will ensure that the development integrates well into the local area and provides screening and shading that assists in counteracting the higher temperatures being experienced in the UK and opportunities for biodiversity enhancement.
The proposal seeks to develop new 24 residential dwellings accessed from Marlas Road
The site is located on the north-western edge of Pyle, immediately south of the minor Marlas Road.
The farmhouse and surrounding land are of historic interest. Listed by CADW as a Grade ii site the farmhouse stands on the south bank of the Afon Cynffig, close to the railway bridge and the road from North Cornelly to Kenfig, which runs alongside the N side of the N wing. The listing shows Marlas Farm, early C17, which is a significant series of connected structures and listed as a Grade II designation.
The proposed site is accessed from the unnamed road that lies to the north of the site and currently provides access to the barns, yard and paddock area. Piers would sit either side of the entrance and the one demolished/damaged pier would be replaced at the appropriate width. The quality and design of road surfacing treatment at the entrance is proposed as rough stone setts to reflect and complement the historic asset of the two barns that face west onto the site entrance. These stone setts would also act as traffic calming measures. The road would be set well off the front curtilage of the barn to ensure enclosed semi-public space and room for parking.
The tarmacadam spine road and footway sweeps to a central paved courtyard area and the design concept for the scheme promotes discreet and bespoke dwellings (24) in 7 courtyards and blocks, the concept design of which leads from the historical analysis of the development of Marlas Farmhouse and surrounding outbuildings.
The site proposal contains an active travel route located at the south east corner of the site and passing to the south of the farmhouse and adjoining house which would join with Marlas Road close to the light-controlled junction A pedestrian/cycle crossing across Marlas Road is also proposed to provide connections to the wider footway/footpath network. This metalled route would also serve as a maintenance zone for the underlying drainage apparatus that would serve the site.
The varied vernacular inspired courtyards would create visual interest and variety and would complement the historic development of Marlas Farm. The dwellings are accessed off the spine road and courtyard by private drives with appropriate semi public and private boundary enclosures such as hedging, stone walling and wooden fencing. A landscaping plan supports the site layout and will ensure that the development integrates well into the local area and provides screening and shading that assists in counteracting the higher temperatures being experienced in the UK and opportunities for biodiversity enhancement.
The proposal seeks to extend the existing facility at Wiggley's Fun Farm
Wiggley's Fun Farm wants to expand its day visitor tourist potential and grow the business to improve its visitor offering by extending the main building to the west in order to create larger indoor facilities in order to meet demand.
The single storey extension would be located to the west of the existing main building. The profile of the extension would match the existing building which is asymmetrical in nature with a higher eaves to the rear at 5.4m rising to a ridge of 7.9m with then a much longer roof at the front falling to a lower eaves of 2.8m.
External materials would match the existing building.
The low profile of the main building structure is set generally along the natural contour of the land which ensures that it will not appear excessive in scale. By locating the proposed development south west of the site, it will be screened from near and far viewpoints by a dense belt of mature trees and further to the south landscaped landforms.
The proposed extension internally will be built to the same detailed format as the current building.
The additional floor area formed by the 48.7m x 30.3 m extension would contain an enlarged play area, smaller rooms to hold parties, larger kitchen to serve additional visitor numbers and alternative pedestrian access/egress point at times of peak demand. This additional floorspace will ease the current issue of full operational capacity in Wiggley's.
It will hold additional play areas and seating for tourists, local visitors and party guests. Play areas will include levelled play which will also require the building to be of the same height of the current building.
The proposal seeks to develop eight new maisonette apartments in two blocks over a new service yard area.
Gifto Properties Limited is proposing to redevelop the rear of 366-388 Bath Road, Hounslow to provide eight new maisonette apartments constructed in two separate terraces over enclosed service yard area for existing shops.
This scheme is reduced in scale from that refused by the Council in February 2023 and has been designed to respond to the objections received in respect of that previous proposal. In particular, the building height has been reduced and the ground floor retail areas and associated existing roof plant are now unaffected.
The ground floor of the new development will enclose the service yards of the existing retail outlets and provide secure areas for the servicing and waste storage requirements of each unit.
New elevated secure walkways will be provided across the ground floor extensions and yards to provide a step-free connection between the existing and new apartments .
At the western end a new ground floor lobby will be created that will provide a stair and lift access to both the maisonettes and the existing apartments on the Bath Road frontage. This lobby will also provide cycle parking and a cycle-compatible lift that will allow residents of the first floor apartments to take their cycles to their apartments if they wish. A communal amenity area is also provided
Two further secure accesses will be provided to ground level into the yard area, connected to Manor Road by a dedicated footpath.
A refuse and recycling area will be provided at ground floor which will be connected to the first floor by two chutes – one for recycling and one for waste. This will be useable by both new residents and residents of the existing apartments.
The proposed development maintains the minimum 18m separation distances from existing properties to the north and south and will not give rise to any overshadowing.
The proposal will result in the widening of the rear lane to provide a 1.2m pedestrian route as well as a 2.6m wide lane to allow service vehicles to parallel park without causing obstruction.
Prior to submission of the application, we would welcome the comments and observations of neighbouring residents and occupiers.
The consultation will run until 4th August 2023.
The proposal seeks to erect X new dwellings off Marlas Road
This scheme detail is to be added
Prior to submission of the application, we would welcome the comments and observations of neighbouring residents and occupiers.
The consultation will run until
The proposal seeks to develop nine new residential dwellings with access, car parking and associated works.
Trivallis and WK Plasterers Limited intend to submit a full planning application for the development of land at Hawthorn Terrace, Perthcelyn. The application site comprises a parcel of land which is situated between Hawthorn Terrace to the east and the Brynheulog play area to the west.
The proposed development will enable the regeneration of a brownfield site, providing affordable homes to meet local needs whilst also creating new local employment throughout the construction phase.
An application by Greenhill Investments (Vale) Ltd seeks to change the use of the land north of Hayes Road, Sully, to caravan/motorhome storage and self-storage containers (Class B8).
The application site is located at land formerly associated with the DOW Chemical plant to the north of Hayes Road, Sully. The site is currently vacant and can be accessed via an existing point of access/egress onto Hayes Road.
The proposal comprises of an area of open storage for caravans/motorhomes (211 spaces in total), which will occupy the southern half of the site. The northern half of the site is proposed to be an area of self-storage containers (493 in total). Along the southern and northern boundaries the containers will be single storey, rising to double storey across the centre of the site. The perimeter of the site will be secured with 2.4m security fencing and a small security hut is proposed between the two security gates at the access/egress point off the existing internal site road.
The application proposal will bring back into active use a vacant plot whilst also creating employment and boosting economic activity.
The proposal seeks to develop 18 new residential dwellings accessed via a new entrance created off Bethel Road.
The existing greenfield infill site was formerly allotments, it is currently grassland that is not accessible to the public.
The development will provide much needed affordable homes to the local area through mixed affordable tenures of social and intermediate rent. The proposal will ensure there is sufficient affordable housing stock for individuals and families to remain within Caernarfon, without having to look outside of the town for housing options.
The proposal includes a total of 44 car parking spaces, with spaces included within the site to mitigate the loss of the existing on road parking spaces that are located on Bethel Road. The site also includes 810 square metres of accessible public open space, this is additional open space for the community.
Travis Perkins Plc intends to submit a planning application for the demolition of the existing buildings of the former Morganite Electrical Carbon Works and erection of sui generis Builders' Merchant and associated works.
The application site sits at the northern edge of the commercial Swansea Enterprise Park and currently houses the former offices of the Morganite works. The existing buildings are currently in a poor state of repair having been previously used as offices and left vacant since 2015.
Travis Perkins has identified a requirement for a new store in Swansea to support the local building and construction industry by complementing and consolidating its existing network of outlets in the city and the local area. Accordingly, it is proposed to bring this vacant site into beneficial use as a builders' merchant outlet, with ancillary concessions for its Benchmarx and tool hire brands.
It is proposed to erect a warehouse building on the southeastern boundary of the site, in the general location of the existing building. The car park area will be enclosed by fencing and a secure yard created for the external storage of building materials. Access to and egress from the yard and building will be from the private access road at two pints. Key landscaping areas will be retained and new planting provided at appropriate locations.
The proposal will create up to 30 jobs which can be expected to be recruited locally.
Nisbets Catering Equipment proposes to apply for planning permission to erect a storage building adjacent to their existing premises at Newhouse Farm Industrial Estate, Magor, for a temporary period of five years.
Nisbets Plc has over 30 stores currently in operation nationwide. Nisbets was established in 1983 on the basic principle of providing affordably priced high quality catering equipment to catering businesses. The Chepstow distribution centre forms a base to distribute goods for their stores in the region, it is also developing to be a vital part of their nationwide operation. The business currently employ 38 members of staff on site, Nisbets is a major employer in the locality.
Nisbets is proposing to install a temporary 4,200 sq m structure in the rear yard of the site. This is proposed to be placed on existing hardstanding located between the existing grass verge and the landscaped boundary to the south. No permanent physical works to the are is proposed, with all greenery and landscaping remaining as existing. The proposed location ensures that the existing landscaping on the southern boundary of the site forms a buffer and protects any wider views of the new structure from outside the site.
The temporary structure is a steel framed skeleton with a stretched dark grey PVC fabric forming the walls and the roof. There are proposed to be two main goods entrances into the unit, from the north eastern corner and the western edge. With further staff entrances proposed along all elevations.
Nisbets proposes to use the structure for additional dry storage for bulky items (fridges/ freezers) enabling more efficient transfer of goods from dock to distribution. This supports a white goods next day delivery service. This currently takes place from a smaller site in Doncaster, Nisbets are seeking to relocate this service to the Chepstow site. Alongside this, the structure is to support the ability to grow business sales but also allow the ability to react to supply chain issues arising from global issues outside of our control such as, Coronavirus, Suez canal blockages, Ukraine War, Red Sea issues etc.
Nisbets is only seeking a temporary structure at this stage as it is currently assessing if additional permanent storage floorspace is feasible on site. A 5 year temporary permission for the temporary structure will allow it to consolidate additional services at the Chepstow site in the short term while it complete plans for a longer term solution.
Nisbets anticipates that an additional 29 employment opportunities will be created by the proposal, this is based on them providing the additional services at Chepstow. It would bring the total employment figure at the site to 67.
Breedon Southern Limited intend to apply for the extension of winning and working of limestone, importation of inert material and restoration to amenity at Denbigh Quarry, Denbighshire.
Denbigh Quarry is an active limestone quarry located to the north of the town of Denbigh. The consented reserves in the existing quarry have a finite life and the applicant is now seeking a westward extension.
The proposed extension area consists of agricultural fields to the west of the existing working area. On the boundary between the existing quarry and the proposed extension is public footpath 508/6. It is proposed that this footpath be diverted along an approved route.
Access to the existing quarry is off Graig Road, via a purpose built access road. Access to the extension area would be via the existing site. The stone in the extension area would be blasted and removed under the same environmental operational constraints as are currently imposed on the main quarry.
It is proposed that inert restoration material will be imported each year from 2022/23 onwards, in order to create a restoration profile in the northern section of the existing quarry that is close to original levels. Only material derived from indigenous sources would be used to bring levels back up above predicted groundwater levels.
The application proposes the erection of Class B2 and/or Class B8 units, access, car parking, landscaping and associated works.
The site location is referred to as Plot E, Pencoed Technology Park and is currently grassland. Pencoed Technology Park is a well established employment site located to the north of junction 35 of the M4 motorway. The application site is bound to the north by a hedgerow beyond which is additional land under the control of the applicant. To the east and south is Felindre Meadows, the internal spine road serving the wider employment area. To the west the site is bound by a large hedgerow running the length of the boundary, beyond which is a further development plateau.
The proposed units will be set out within three blocks in a central area of development with landscaping around the perimeter. The units are to be uniform in design and size with car parking provided for each. Access/egress to the site is via the existing single point of access located in the middle of the southern boundary.
The proposal will facilitate the development of a vacant plot of land within an existing employment park, creating new job opportunities and providing a sustainable development.
The proposal details
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Plans are being drawn up for the redevelopment of Falmouth Garage in Penryn.
Before any application is made, the applicant wants to hear from neighbours and local stakeholders on how we can improve the proposal.
The proposed development will include:
- Brand new replacement petrol filling station
- New shop
- Car parking & other improvements
The plans are available to view on this website for 14 days, commencing Monday, October 19th, 2020.
Please use the comments page to give us your feedback or ask any questions that you may have. We will take account of all comments that we receive as we draw up the final plans for the site.
Land North of Marsh Farm, Burnham on Crouch
Land North of Marsh Road, Burnham-on-Crouch
Land North of Marsh Road, Burnham-on-Crouch
Land North of Marsh Road, Burnham-on-Crouch
Land North of Marsh Farm, Burnham on Crouch
Nisbets, Magor
Ty Menyn, Kingsway, Swansea
Ty Menyn, Kingsway, Swansea
Land North of Marsh Road, Burnham on Crouch
Ty Menyn, Kingsway, Swansea
Land North of Marsh Farm, Burnham on Crouch
Cem Minerals, Newport Dock
Deeside Industrial Park - New Unit
Hayes Road, Sully
Plot E, Pencoed Technology Park
Wilfred Way, Tonyrefail
Great Bear Distribution, Deeside
Plot F, Pencoed Technology Park
Deeside Industrial Park - New Unit
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Nisbets, Magor - Block Plan
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.
Wilfred Way - Ecological Assessment
Enter description text here.