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Land adjacent Heol West Plas, Coity

Morgan Technical Services (South Wales) Limited intends to submit a hybrid planning application for the phased employment-led development of land adjacent to the Heol West Plas bypass, Coity.


The location on the website map is indicative of the registered postcode area for the development site. The exact location of the site can be viewed in the draft application plans.

1. Read about the proposal

Morgan Technical Services (South Wales) Limited intends to submit a hybrid planning application for the phased development of land comprising, Phase 1 - detailed planning permission for the erection of a single unit of up to 750sq m of Class D1 floorspace, 1 A1 unit of up to 150sq m, 1 A3 unit of up to 150sq m, 2 units of up to 150sq m each for use within use class B1/B8, creation of new car and non-car access, car and cycle parking, landscaping, drainage and associated works; and Phase 2 - outline application (with all matters reserved except for access) for up to 1200sq m of B1/B2/B8 use, car parking and associated works.


The application site is located about 3km north of Bridgend town centre, at the northern edge of Brackla Industrial Estate. The new “Coity bypass” (Heol West Plas) defines the northern edge of the site, while to the east is Trem y Castell, giving access to the adjacent residential development. To the south and west are existing industrial units. The site is divided into two distinct parcels and represents surplus land left over following the creation of the bypass road to the north. The smaller parcel comprises a narrow strip that fronts the by-pass, east of the access spur and the larger parcel lies to the west of the access spur. Access to the site is gained from the new bypass via an existing roundabout spur.

The application proposes the comprehensive, employment-led development of the site, to be delivered in two phases. Phase 1 comprises the eastern parcel of the site that is immediately adjacent to the new residential areas and full consent is sought for this phase of the development. Phase 1 is proposed to accommodate a new Class D1 nursery, two B1/B8 units and two units for A3 and A1 use respectively. Phase 1 will also include car parking, new access to the nursery site and the landscaping infrastructure for the entire development site. Phase 2 comprises the western parcel and the application seeks outline consent on this parcel (with only access for approval) for B1/B2/B8 uses together with the requisite car parking and associated works. The development of this plot is intended to come forward in response to specific operator requirements and so the detailed specification is not known at this stage.


2. View the draft application

Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.

  • Ty Menyn - DAS Statement


  • Ty Menyn - Draft Planning Application Forms


  • Ty Menyn - Marketing Statement


  • Ty Menyn - Site Location and Block Plan


  • Ty Menyn - Existing and Proposed Elevations


  • Ty Menyn - Proposed Floor Plans


  • Ty Menyn - Proposed Sections


  • Ty Menyn - Proposed 3D views


  • Ty Menyn - Aerial Views


  • Ty Menyn - Ecological Assessment


  • Ty Menyn - Landscaping


  • Ty Menyn - Green Infrastructure


  • Ty Menyn - Noise Assessment


  • Ty Menyn - Coal Report


  • Ty Menyn - Transport Statement


  • Ty Menyn - Drainage Strategy


3. Have your say


Heol West Plas, Coity