Marlas Yard, North Cornelly

Mr & Mrs Morgan propose "Residential Development Including Conversion of Existing Listed Barns to Residential Use Including Active Travel Route, Access, Car Parking, Landscaping, Drainage and Attenuation" on land at Marlas Road, Marlas, North Cornelly.  The development will provide 24 residential dwellings including three within the conversion of the existing hay loft.  A new pedestrian route will connect the site to existing active travel routes.


1. Read about the proposal

The proposal seeks to develop new 24 residential dwellings accessed from Marlas Road

The site is located on the north-western edge of Pyle, immediately south of the minor Marlas Road.

The farmhouse and surrounding land are of historic interest. Listed by CADW as a Grade ii site the farmhouse stands on the south bank of the Afon Cynffig, close to the railway bridge and the road from North Cornelly to Kenfig, which runs alongside the N side of the N wing. The listing shows Marlas Farm, early C17, which is a significant series of connected structures and listed as a Grade II designation.

The proposed site is accessed from the unnamed road that lies to the north of the site and currently provides access to the barns, yard and paddock area. Piers would sit either side of the entrance and the one demolished/damaged pier would be replaced at the appropriate width. The quality and design of road surfacing treatment at the entrance is proposed as rough stone setts to reflect and complement the historic asset of the two barns that face west onto the site entrance. These stone setts would also act as traffic calming measures. The road would be set well off the front curtilage of the barn to ensure enclosed semi-public space and room for parking.

The tarmacadam spine road and footway sweeps to a central paved courtyard area and the design concept for the scheme promotes discreet and bespoke dwellings (24) in 7 courtyards and blocks, the concept design of which leads from the historical analysis of the development of Marlas Farmhouse and surrounding outbuildings.

The site proposal contains an active travel route located at the south east corner of the site and passing to the south of the farmhouse and adjoining house which would join with Marlas Road close to the light-controlled junction A pedestrian/cycle crossing across Marlas Road is also proposed to provide connections to the wider footway/footpath network. This metalled route would also serve as a maintenance zone for the underlying drainage apparatus that would serve the site.

The varied vernacular inspired courtyards would create visual interest and variety and would complement the historic development of Marlas Farm. The dwellings are accessed off the spine road and courtyard by private drives with appropriate semi public and private boundary enclosures such as hedging, stone walling and wooden fencing. A landscaping plan supports the site layout and will ensure that the development integrates well into the local area and provides screening and shading that assists in counteracting the higher temperatures being experienced in the UK and opportunities for biodiversity enhancement.


2. View the draft application

Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.

  • Marlas Yard - Site Location Plan


  • Marlas Yard - Application Forms


  • Marlas Yard - Draft DAS


  • Marlas Yard - 2020 Scoping Response


  • Marlas Yard - June 2021 Scoping Response


  • Marlas Yard - Access Statement


  • Marlas Yard - Bat Emergence Survey


  • Marlas Yard - Blocks 1-7 Plans


  • Marlas Yard - Drainage Strategy


  • Marlas Yard - Draft Heritage Statement


  • Marlas Yard - Hay Loft Drawings 100-109


  • Marlas Yard - Hay Loft Drawings 201-209


  • Marlas Yard - Hay Loft Drawings 300-309


  • Marlas Yard - Highway Safety Audit


  • Marlas Yard - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal


  • Marlas Yard - Site Block Plan


  • Marlas Yard - Site plan excluding Hay Loft


  • Marlas Yard - Site Survey


  • Marlas Yard - Street Elevations


  • Marlas Yard - Transport Assessment


3. Have your say


Land North of Marsh Road, Burnham on Crouch