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Former site of Morganite Electrical Carbon Works, Upper Fforest Way, Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea, SA6 8PP


Travis Perkins PLC are intending to apply for planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings and the erection of a sui generis Builders' Merchant and associated works.

The location on the website map is indicative of the registered postcode area for the development site. The exact location of the site can be viewed in the draft application plans.

1. Read about the proposal

Travis Perkins Plc intends to submit a planning application for the demolition of the existing buildings of the former Morganite Electrical Carbon Works and erection of sui generis Builders' Merchant and associated works.


The application site sits at the northern edge of the commercial Swansea Enterprise Park and currently houses the former offices of the Morganite works. The existing buildings are currently in a poor state of repair having been previously used as offices and left vacant since 2015.

Travis Perkins has identified a requirement for a new store in Swansea to support the local building and construction industry by complementing and consolidating its existing network of outlets in the city and the local area. Accordingly, it is proposed to bring this vacant site into beneficial use as a builders' merchant outlet, with ancillary concessions for its Benchmarx and tool hire brands.

It is proposed to erect a warehouse building on the southeastern boundary of the site, in the general location of the existing building. The car park area will be enclosed by fencing and a secure yard created for the external storage of building materials. Access to and egress from the yard and building will be from the private access road at two pints. Key landscaping areas will be retained and new planting provided at appropriate locations.

The proposal will create up to 30 jobs which can be expected to be recruited locally.



2. View the draft application

Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.

  • TP Swansea Draft Application Forms


  • TP Swansea Draft application covering letter and planning statement with appendices


  • TP Swansea Design and Access Statement - April 2022


  • TP Swansea Site Location Plan


  • TP Swansea Existing Site Plan


  • TP Swansea Proposed Site Plan


  • TP Swansea Proposed Elevations-1


  • TP Swansea Proposed Floor Plans


  • TP Swansea Proposed Landscaping


  • TP Swansea Proposed Roof Plan


  • TP Swansea Tree Report


  • TP Swansea Transport Statement


  • TP Swansea Noise Report


  • TP Swansea Revised Flood Consequence Assessment & Drainage Strategy


  • TP Swansea Revised Flood Management Plan


  • TP Swansea External Lighting Report


  • TP Swansea Energy Statement


  • TP Swansea Ecology Report


  • TP Swansea Demolition Plan


  • TP Swansea - Merged Ground Investigation and Coal Mining Report


3. Have your say


Former Morganite Site, Swansea Enterprise Park