Plot E, Land off Felindre Meadows, Pencoed Technology Park

Proposed development of Class B2 and/or B8 units, access, car parking, landscaping and associated works

1. Read about the proposal

The application proposes the erection of Class B2 and/or Class B8 units, access, car parking, landscaping and associated works.


The site location is referred to as Plot E, Pencoed Technology Park and is currently grassland. Pencoed Technology Park is a well established employment site located to the north of junction 35 of the M4 motorway. The application site is bound to the north by a hedgerow beyond which is additional land under the control of the applicant. To the east and south is  Felindre Meadows, the internal spine road serving the wider employment area. To the west the site is bound by a large hedgerow running the length of the boundary, beyond which is a further development plateau.

The proposed units will be set out within three blocks in a central area of development with landscaping around the perimeter. The units are to be uniform in design and size with car parking provided for each. Access/egress to the site is via the existing single point of access located in the middle of the southern boundary.

The proposal will facilitate the development of a vacant plot of land within an existing employment park, creating new job opportunities and providing a sustainable development.

2. View the draft application

Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.

  • Plot E - Draft Application Forms


  • Plot E - CIL Forms


  • Plot E - Design & Access Statement


  • Plot E - Draft Planning Statement


  • Plot E - Application Plans


  • Plot E - Drainage Concept


  • Plot E - Drainage Strategy Report


  • Plot E - Ground Investigation


  • Plot E - Landscape Details and Specification


  • Plot E - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Green Infrastructure Statement


  • Plot E - SUDS Maintenance Plan


  • Plot E - Transport Statement


  • Plot E - Air Quality Assessment


  • Plot E - Biodiversity Strategy


3. Have your say


Plot E, Pencoed Technology Park