Nisbets Catering Equipment, Newhouse Farm industrial Estate, Mathern, Chepstow NP16 6UD


Temporary permission is sought for the installation of a storage building


1. Read about the proposal

Nisbets Catering Equipment proposes to apply for planning permission to erect a storage building adjacent to their existing premises at Newhouse Farm Industrial Estate, Magor, for a temporary period of five years.

Nisbets Plc has over 30 stores currently in operation nationwide. Nisbets was established in 1983 on the basic principle of providing affordably priced high quality catering equipment to catering businesses. The Chepstow distribution centre forms a base to distribute goods for their stores in the region, it is also developing to be a vital part of their nationwide operation. The business currently employ 38 members of staff on site, Nisbets is a major employer in the locality.

Nisbets is proposing to install a temporary 4,200 sq m structure in the rear yard of the site. This is proposed to be placed on existing hardstanding located between the existing grass verge and the landscaped boundary to the south. No permanent physical works to the are is proposed, with all greenery and landscaping remaining as existing. The proposed location ensures that the existing landscaping on the southern boundary of the site forms a buffer and protects any wider views of the new structure from outside the site.

The temporary structure is a steel framed skeleton with a stretched dark grey PVC fabric forming the walls and the roof. There are proposed to be two main goods entrances into the unit, from the north eastern corner and the western edge. With further staff entrances proposed along all elevations.

Nisbets proposes to use the structure for additional dry storage for bulky items (fridges/ freezers) enabling more efficient transfer of goods from dock to distribution. This supports a white goods next day delivery service. This currently takes place from a smaller site in Doncaster, Nisbets are seeking to relocate this service to the Chepstow site. Alongside this, the structure is to support the ability to grow business sales but also allow the ability to react to supply chain issues arising from global issues outside of our control such as, Coronavirus, Suez canal blockages, Ukraine War, Red Sea issues etc.

Nisbets is only seeking a temporary structure at this stage as it is currently assessing if additional permanent storage floorspace is feasible on site. A 5 year temporary permission for the temporary structure will allow it to consolidate additional services at the Chepstow site in the short term while it complete plans for a longer term solution.

Nisbets anticipates that an additional 29 employment opportunities will be created by the proposal, this is based on them providing the additional services at Chepstow. It would bring the total employment figure at the site to 67.



2. View the draft application

Please click on the documents below to view the draft application submission.

  • Nisbets, Magor - Site Location Plan


  • Nisbets, Magor - Draft Application Forms


  • Nisbets, Magor - Draft Planning Statement and DAS


  • Nisbets, Magor - Existing Site Plan


  • Nisbets, Magor - Proposed Site Plan


  • Nisbets, Magor - Other Plans


  • Nisbets, Magor - Flood Consequences Assessment


  • Nisbets, Magor - Transport Note


  • Nisbets, Magor - Block Plan


3. Have your say


Nisbets, Magor