Land adjacent Burgess Crescent, Talbot Green CF72 8QB
Outline application for up to 15 houses including access, car parking, drainage, biodiversity areas and supporting external works
1. Read about the proposal
The outline application seeks to agree the principle of the development of land adjacent Burgess Crescent for 15 homes including access, SUDS drainage features, ecological mitigation areas and amenity space.
The existing greenfield site is vacant, open land that lies east of the A4119 and gains its access through the community known as Pengawsi. The site is located in a sustainable location with excellent access to existing walking and cycling routes, as well as the surrounding highway network. Proposed access to the site will be via the residential street of Burgess Crescent.
Plans show a proposed development of a total of 15 units; 11 detached and two pairs of semi-detached homes, increasing the range and choice of dwellings in the area. In accordance with affordable housing guidelines it is anticipated that 3 of the units would expect to be affordable within the scheme. The location and scale of the housing reflects the constraints on the land whilst also taking into account the need to protect and enhance nature conservation interests.